Are Hand Dryers More Hygienic?

There are two firm camps when it comes to deciding if hand dryers , or paper towels, are more hygienic. One side will argue that hand dryers blow bacteria and water droplets around, while the other says that hand dryer reduce waste, which hangs around and harbours germs. What’s The Most Hygienic Way To Wash Your Hands? The most hygienic way to wash your hands is to scrub them thoroughly with warm water and soap, then dry as quickly as possible, eliminating any ‘nasties’ that hang around in the water. Paper Towel Pro’s and Con’s It can be argued though that paper towels dry hands quickly, and the sheets head straight to the bin. It’s true that paper towels offer a quick hand drying process, but there are some things to consider. Most of us have walked into an office, or a public restroom and seen dirty, wet, paper towels strewn across the floor. Not only is it a trip hazard, but also, the water-logged paper towels are a haven for bugs and bacteria to linge...